

使用ISO/IEC 27701管理个人信息



国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)制定了ISO 27701,为企业有效解决数据隐私问题提供必要的指导,并确保有效弥合现有管理体系要求和全球隐私数据立法之间的差距。










什么是ISO 27701?为什么需要它?

与世界各地的许多隐私立法一样,很少有关于如何实施符合GDPR的流程的指导。ISO 27701:2019是国际信息安全管理标准ISO 27001(ISO 27701安全技术-隐私信息管理的ISO 27001和ISO 27002扩展-要求和指南)的隐私扩展。

ISO 27701详细说明了隐私信息管理系统(PIMS)的建立、实施、维护和改进要求,并提供了必要的指导。该标准基于ISO 27001标准的要求、控制目标和控制,包括一套隐私要求、控制和控制目标。



但ISO 27701不是特定于GDPR的;这是一个全球标准。它代表了隐私保护方面的最新技术。实施该计划的组织将展示一种积极主动的个人数据保护方法。


栓连接至ISO 27001

ISO 27701略有不同,因为该标准要求附加现有的管理体系。并非每个条款和控制都适用于所有情况。


  • 第5条概述了与ISO 27001相关的PIMS要求
  • 第6条概述了与ISO 27002相关的PIMS要求
  • 第7条概述了个人身份信息(PII)控制器的PIMS指南
  • 第8条概述了PII处理者的PIMS指南



  1. 附录A列出了PII控制器的所有适用控制。
  2. 附录B列出了PII处理器的所有适用控制措施。
  3. 附录C映射了ISO 27701与ISO 29100的规定。
  4. 附录D根据GDPR映射了ISO 27701的规定。
  5. 附录E根据ISO 27018和ISO 29151映射了ISO 27701的规定
  6. 附录F提供了将ISO 27701应用于ISO 27001和ISO 27002的指南。

在大多数情况下,具有ISO 27001现有认证的组织应从附录F开始,了解PIMS的应用如何符合其现有ISO 27001 ISMS。本附录引用了三个应用本标准的实例:

  • 按现状应用安全标准
  • 安全标准的补充
  • 完善安全标准

PIMS中的第5至8条扩展了ISO 27001的要求,以纳入PII考虑。第5条提供了关于ISO 27001中信息安全要求的PIMS特定指南,适用于充当PII控制器或处理器的组织。组织应实施PIMS适用性声明(SoA),该声明受其是控制者还是处理者(或两者)的影响。

组织可以创建一个综合ISMS-PIMS,并扩展其ISMS SoA,以包括PIMS控制。

  • 附录A+第6条=37项强化控制
  • 附录A+第7条=31控制器的新控制
  • 附录A-第8条=18个处理器的新控制


下面详细介绍了ISO 27701标准第5条中的其他注意事项,这些事项可能是现有ISMS要求之外的额外事项:

5.1 The requirements of ISO 27001 must be extended to the protection of privacy as potentially affected by the processing of PII. A glance at Annex F provides a table which gives visual indication of how this will look.
5.2.1 An additional requirement to ISO 27001 clause 4.1 is to outline that an organisation will determine its role as a PII Controller and/or processer. Additionally external and internal factors that are relevant to context and affect the ability to achieve outcomes of its PIMS require indication. This includes any relevant legislation adherence already in place as a consideration within the existing ISMS or contractual requirements which hitherto had been identified in differing clauses or Annex controls within ISO 27001.


5.2.2 A consideration extra to ISO 27001 clause 4.2 is the requirement to include interested parties with responsibilities associated with the processing of PII. This can include customers, which again is not something which may have previously been considered in an ISO 27001 ISMS. Additionally requirements which are relevant to the processing of PII can be determined by legal requirements, contractual obligations or self-identified objectives.
5.2.3 The scope of the ISMS is required by ISO 27001 clause 4.3. Additional PIMS factors for scope include an organisation including processing of PII. PIMS scope determination, therefore, can require a revision of the ISMS because of the extension to interpretation of what constitutes information security in ISO 27701 clause 5.1.
5.2.4 Further to ISO 27001 clause 4.4 an organisation is required within the new standard to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a PIMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001:2013 Clauses 4 to 10, extended by the requirements in Clause 5.
5.3 Within ISO 27001, organisations are required to demonstrate commitment to the ISMS through leadership initiatives and the creation of policies, roles & responsibilities and guidance. Likewise, the PIMS requires a similar input from the top management along with relevant PIMS specific interpretations as indicated at 5.1 to ISO 27701 which covers all mirrored aspects of clause 5 of the ISMS.

The requirements of ISO 27001 to address risks and opportunities require augmentation with the considerations of clause 5.1 in ISO 27701. Furthermore, Information Security risk assessments identified within ISO 27001 are applicable with the following additional requirements:

1. The organisation shall apply the information security risk assessment process to identify risks associated with the loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability, within the scope of the PIMS.

2. The organisation shall apply privacy risk assessment process to identify risks related to the processing of PII, within the scope of the PIMS.

3. The organisation shall ensure throughout the risk assessment processes that the relationship between information security and PII protection is appropriately managed.

This can be an integrated risk assessment process or parallel processes which are controlled separately; this depends entirely on the organisation to determine.

Additionally, ISO 27001 clause 6.1.2.d is refined to include an assessment for potential consequences for both the organisation and PII principals that would result if the risks identified during the 6.1.2.c (ISO 27001) were to materialise.

Further considerations are given to the Statement of Applicability which would have been generated by the organisation when implementing the ISO 27001 ISMS. As an organisation would have encountered an “opt out and justify” approach to produce the SoA in the first instance, likewise for the PIMS, not all control objectives and

controls listed within Annex areas need to be included during PIMS implementation. Justification for exclusion where controls are not deemed necessary can be identified.
5.4.2 Information security objectives from the organisations ISMS from clause 6.2 augmented by the interpretation of ISO 27701 clause 5.1 must be considered.
5.5 Support considerations from ISO 27001 at clause 7 are applicable along with the additional interpretation specified within ISO 27701 clause 5.1.
5.6 Operational consideration from ISO 27001 at clause 8 including risk treatment planning are similarly required by ISO 27701 along with additional information which is identified through addressing clause 5.1 to the latter standard.
5.7/5.8 Similarly; the Monitoring/Measuring & Improvement considerations which are live within an existing ISMS require further augmentation from the considerations given to clause 5.1 to ISO 27701.

上述过程表明,新标准中的第5.1条是实施PIMS的关键。处理PII的隐私保护扩展是实现的关键要素。它指导了在解决ISO 27701的其他条款领域时要考虑的问题。


ISO 27001 Clause ISO 27701 Extension
Top Level Commitment for Privacy Policy and integration of PIMS to the ISMS including:
1. Resourcing/Establishment of Roles
2. Communication (Internal/External)
3. Anticipated outcome
4. Control and Guidance
5. Continual Improvement of PIMS
6.2 PIMS/Privacy Objectives
7.2 Competency profiles of individuals assigned to privacy roles
7.3 Awareness of the PIMS policy and how personnel contribute to the establishment and improvement of the system
7.5 Documentation for PIMS with additional considerations on information and documentation non-organic to the organisation.
8.1 PIMS Risk Treatment activation
8.2 PIMS Risk Assessment process
8.3 PIMS Risk Treatment Plan including amendments to existing risk registers
PIMS Performance and analysis of PIMS effectiveness including:
1. Internal Audit
2. Management Review
10 PIMS Continuous Improvement considerations

